CRT 200

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Denominazione prodotto:

CRT 200

Biomass loader equipped with refiner mill

Dati tecnici di base:

Biomass auger loader, essential for the servicing of our domestic 100 series pelletizers and semi-professional and professional line.
Provision for suction.
Opening inspection door and protective grille.
Refining mill with 80 knives. Knife/hammer rotor

Single-phase and three-phase power supply
Installed power Motor single-phase electric inverter 0.55 kW, reel breaker 0.25 kW, mill motor 11KW
Max. loading volume Approx. 0.4 m3
Dimensions (WxDxH) Approximately 325 x 72 x 210 cm
Weight 145 kg


Deferrizer complete with magnets with openable stainless steel support for ferrous body removal incorporated into the RC-400 refiner hopper

grid with different sizes on request, standard 8mm

Grit size maximum material to be refined G30, production is subject to the type of material and its size


Maggiori informazioni:

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Chiama +39 0171910010

Contatta il nostro ufficio dal lunedì al venerdì
Mattino: 8.30-12.30 | Pomeriggio: 13.30-17.30

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Andrea Cavallero
Andrea Cavallero
François Touchaleaume
François Touchaleaume
Very good communication with the company with whom we worked in order to get matrices of specific dimensions. Smartwood is highly recommenadable! Efficient and responsive!
Francesco Zanini
Francesco Zanini
Gran prodotto. Prodursi da soli il pellet é stata una soddisfazione unica !
Davide Pistorio
Davide Pistorio
Gentilezza, cortesia ma soprattuto professionalita'.
Federico Villotta
Federico Villotta
Cordialità disponibilità e competenza
flavio gerbaudo
flavio gerbaudo
Ecofricalia Sostenible
Ecofricalia Sostenible
Como distribuidores de sus equipos en España, Portugal y Latinoamérica, estamos muy satisfechos con los equipos y la atención de Smartwood, nuestros clientes aprecian su calidad (fabricación italiana) frente a otros sistemas de similares características. Nuestra principal valoración es el servicio postventa: responden rápidamente ante cualquier problema, facilitan la formación y disponen de los repuestos necesarios. Sin duda, uno de los mejores proveedores con los que trabajamos!
Giacomo Sansoldo
Giacomo Sansoldo

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